Do You Believe These Common Misconceptions About Gum Contouring?

Some cosmetic dental treatments are popular and, thus, better known by most people in Michigan. For example, everyone knows what teeth whitening is and what goes into the procedure. Most are also familiar with dental veneers. On the other hand, gum contouring is not popular. It is not commonly opted for. Gums play a significant role in the appearance of your smile. 

Have you been wishing for the perfect smile? You can discuss gum contouring at cosmetic dentistry in Lansing, MI. Certain issues won’t go away with brushing and flossing, and one of them is changing the shape of your gum line. Despite being helpful, people do not opt for this procedure due to some myths. Read on to find out what they are. 

Gum Contouring

Myths about gum contouring –

Gum contouring hurts

As in various dental procedures, the dentist applies a local anesthetic in the treatment area to numb it to prevent the patient from feeling any pain or discomfort. Even if you feel something, it should be very minimal. 

Once the gum contouring surgery is done, your dentist will provide you with a set of instructions and it is important that you follow these. This will ensure a speedy and healthy recovery. Following the surgery, make sure to eat only soft foods, such as yogurt, smoothies, and soups. 

Avoid certain medications that can cause more bleeding, such as Aspirin. 

Gum contouring results are unpredictable

The world has come a long way in technological advancements. Thanks to modern dentistry techniques, it is very easy to predict the outcomes of gum contour procedures. Your dentist can show you an “After” picture of yourself even before the procedure has been done! Therefore, you will be able to see if you can achieve your desired results. 

Gum contouring does not give permanent results

Many people are of the opinion that gum tissues grow back after a while after the contouring treatment. This is a myth. The growing back, or regeneration of gum tissues, is a highly rare occurrence. Gum contouring is a permanent procedure, and the patient does not need to undergo another session in their lifetime. 

Gum contouring compromises your teeth

It is indeed possible for your teeth to be compromised during gum contouring, but only if the procedure is done by a non-professional. An experienced dentist will ensure that you get your desired results without any complications or damage to your natural teeth. 

Before the treatment, the dentist will walk you through the steps. They will explain to you how much gum will be contoured and removed. They will not take out more than necessary nor leave enough to have a gummy smile still. 

Gum contouring causes uncontrollable bleeding

One of the most common myths about gum contouring is that it causes uncontrollable bleeding. This is not true. Some bleeding is expected, but that can be stopped with the right techniques. 

Gum contouring is only for people with excessive gum tissue

Gum contouring is mostly recommended for people with excessive gum tissue. You might be familiar with the term “Gummy smile.” In fact, this is the most common procedure among them. However, the treatment can be beneficial to people with an average amount of gum tissue. For example, it can be used to even out a gum line to enhance one’s appearance. 

Gum contouring is purely cosmetic

Gum contouring may seem like a purely cosmetic procedure, but it is not. Your smile is one of the most noticeable things about you. It is sometimes the first thing one sees when they meet you. Therefore, having insecurities in that department can affect your mental health. 

Feeling insecure about your smile can be detrimental in the long run. Gum contouring can help you be more confident. 

Are you ready to restore your gum line as well as your confidence? Visit your dentist today!
